The Stage for Open Innovation for the Next Generation
Denka Innovation Center
The Denka Innovation Center is a central part of developing new business in fields of “ICT & Energy”、”Healthcare”、”Sustainable Living” given in management plan “Mission 2030” currently being promoted by the company.
The Denka Group engages in innovation research to further deepen the technology and knowledge it has developed since its founding in 1915 and to create value for the future. The Denka Innovation Center was inaugurated in 2014 as a core base for research and development for the Denka Group through the reorganization and merging of the former Central Research Institute, the former research department of Denka SEIKEN Co., Ltd., and the Machida Special Cement Additives R&D Center.
Research is carried out at the center in three fields: the environment and energy, healthcare, and infrastructure with high added value. Denka focuses its research resources on these three fields as an area for growth. We are pursuing development as the stage for open innovation for the next century.
The key phrase upheld by the Center is Open Innovation. This is a methodology that leads to innovative research results and product development through combining our own technology with the technology and ideas of other companies and various research organizations. The key to success is the quality and quantity of information, as well as speed. Freeing ourselves from concepts that are biased towards product orientation and coming up with more market oriented ideas, as well as increasing connection points with these ideas. Not sticking to our own technology, but including all possibilities in our options. It is important to increase the quality and quantity of our input and accelerate speed.
The Center aims to offer value to all stakeholders as a place of social contribution open to Japan, the world, and the local community, as well as being a tool for the promotion of open innovation, and the center has begun to work towards this goal.

The Denka Innovation Center main building
5-1, Asahi-cho 3-chome, Machida-shi, Tokyo 194-8560
Advanced Technologies Research Institute
Specialty Ceramics Research Department
Advanced Materials Research Department
Advanced Polymer Research Department
Materials Characterization Department
Diagnostics Research Department
Vaccine & Biomedicine Department
Process Innovation Department