President's Message

Making the world a better place as specialists in chemistry.

Representative Director,
Toshio Imai

For more than 100 years since its establishment in 1915, the Denka Group continues to develop and provide unique technologies and products that contribute to the advancement of society.
In recent years, the Group has also solidified our identity as a leading specialty company by pursuing and progressing that which we excel at the most.

On the other hand, the Group's business environment is undergoing major changes as the world faces global challenges such as climate change and population issues, rapidly evolving technologies, and widening inequality.
To clarify the long-term significance of the Denka Group's existence under these circumstances, we have formulated a new vision that combines the opinions of our young employees, who will be the core of the Group in the future, with the thoughts of our management team. With our purpose, "Make the world a better place as specialists in chemistry," we have made a new start in the fiscal year 2023.

Under the new Mission 2030 management plan, which Denka Group developed based on our new vision and started in the fiscal year 2023, by 2030, we will increase the value of human resources and management, and further evolve our business portfolio into "three-star businesses" with all our business segments being built upon the three pillars of specialty, megatrends, and sustainability. We will also focus on sustainability initiatives, including environmental and human resources initiatives, to strengthen our ESG management.

The Denka Group will continue to contribute to people's daily lives and society, combining its world-class strength in chemistry with its core values of “Initiative”, “Integrity” and “Empathy”, which have been part of our DNA since the Group’s founding. In doing so, the Group will also continue to meet the expectations and live up to the trust of its stakeholders.
We sincerely appreciate your continued understanding and support.